
Private Equity Fundraising

Private Equity funding is needed when companies reach a stage in their life-cycle where their business model is set, and they have seen consistent growth but need extra capital to get to the next level. Not only does it need a partnership mindset, it also needs a matching of chemistry between the investor and the promoter of the investee company. We help companies forge rewarding partnerships with the most suitable Private Equity investor.

Acquisitions and Divestments

Acquisition: Several companies seek to augment their native growth rates by seeking out inorganic growth options in the same or an adjacent business. We help such companies in identifying suitable acquisition targets and managing the entire negotiation and deal process.

Divestment: Some companies seek to exit some businesses for a variety of reasons – ranging from a strategic re-orientation to family realignments to succession challenges. We help such companies in identifying potential buyers who can acquire and better grow the business, thereby unlocking the value for the seller. We manage the entire negotiation and deal process from the seller side.

Structured Finance

Oftentimes, are at a stage neither where neither equity funding is suitable (as there steep is visible) nor is debt funding possible due to a stretched balance sheet. In such scenarios, structured funding is used to fashion a funding solution to address the specific need of the client. It also useful in situations of promoter funding and in funding acquisitions. We help our clients raise such funding through our wide network of structured and special situations funds.

Takeout Finance

Many long gestation projects need to replace existing investors/lenders with a new set of investors/ lenders. This situation also arises in companies where private equity investors or other investors had are seeking an exit route. However, adverse market conditions preclude an exit in the public markets. We help such companies/ investors in identifying and negotiating with new incoming investors who could provide exit to the existing investors.


We help companies develop financial models for their businesses or for the businesses in which they are interested to ascertain business value as an investment.

Domestic and International Joint Ventures

We assist our clients in forging joint ventures with domestic or international companies to grow their respective businesses by taking advantage of the synergies arising out of such joint ventures.

Project Finance

When companies set up new projects or, they need a large quantum of debt capital. This entails approaching the right set of lenders with the appropriate project documents. We assist companies in meeting this requirement by bringing to bear our deep understanding of credit risk and our wide network of banks which are adept with such funding at competitive interest rates.

Debt restructuring and Stressed Assets funding

During times of economic slowdown or recession, currency fluctuations and the onslaught of foreign completion, many companies find it difficult to service their loans. During such times, companies need debt restructuring and, if that does not work out, companies may need funding for settlement with investors/lenders. We help our clients in such debt restructuring as well as funding for settlement.

Corporate Strategy

During the course of our transactions advisory interactions, we sometimes find that our clients need to sort out their core strategy before getting into actual transactions. It may be related to solving partnership issues, past liabilities, deciding on the core and non-core businesses or simply family succession and constitution issues. We help our clients in resolving such issues and advise on the most appropriate strategy for future growth.